Gospel Centric
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Best news of all! We don’t have to stay condemned in our sin! But, our salvation is not the end of the story. Every Christian is called to take the Gospel into all the world and make more disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). We are called to share the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ with others. FBC Youth ministry exists to share The Gospel with youth, and equip youth to Share the Gospel with friends, family, and neighbors wherever they may be.
Jesus is the foundation of our faith…. But, what does that mean?
As Christians, we are all know that Jesus is the foundation of our faith, but have we taken time to study His life, His teaching, His ministry? Jesus paid a huge price to redeem us from sin. Do we take the time to pray and spend time growing our relationship with Jesus Himself? This semester we are going to dive deep into a chronological study of the life of Jesus and how He disciples His followers. Our goal is to grow our relationship with Christ through personal prayer and studying the written record of our savior.
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Disciple Now!
March 8th & 9th
Grades 6 - 12
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Mornings
9:15a - FBC Underground 7th - 8th Grade Sunday School
9:15a - FBC Underground High School Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings
6:00pm - 7:30pm The Underground - 7th & 8th Grade Bible Study
7:00 - 8:00pm The Underground - High School Bible Study
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The Remind app is total free, and helps us keep everyone up to date on due dates, ministry announcements, what time we will be arriving back to the church from events and so much more.
Past Events…